One time payment, paid by user's wallet.
Digtial System is a money earning feature, users can sell their own songs & music in your website, with Digtial Music system users can:
Sell their own music
One time payment, paid by user's wallet.
Users can create events and sell their tickets in your website, with Events system users can:
Create real/online events.
Sell tickets
One time payment, paid by user's wallet.
users can sell their products in your website, with Store system users can:
Upload products related to their songs.
Sell their own goods and earn money.
CPC mean Cost per click, how much will the system charge the user from ad click?
CPI mean Cost per impression, how much will the system charge the user from ad view?
CPC, CPI, paid by user's wallet.
What is Advertising System?
Users can post ads
Upload Image Ads, to home page, sidebar and profile pages.
Upload Audio Ads, play audio ads before the song starts, charged by CPC.
Pay by CPC/CPM.
Monetization their songs and earn money from advertisers.
Pro System is a monthly subscription feature, with Pro system users can:
Upload unlimited songs.
Get Pro Badge (On profile picture).
Show their songs on Spotlight page.
Users can become artists from Account DropDown Menu -> Become an artist.
With Artists System, users can upgrade their features. After becoming Artists in your website, they can:
Get verified.
Sell Songs.
Create Events.
Get Special Looking Profile.
Sell Products.